Yes! I'm so happy to announce that we'll be starting up our group lessons again in April 2022. We've got lots of exciting new things happening in the next few months, and first of these is a new tutor!
Ewen Watson will be joining us at Moray Music Lessons to teach Guitar, Bass and Ukulele to beginners. Ewen is an experienced musician and tutor, and I know that he'll fit in perfectly here. You can read his bio here.

Ewen will be teaching here on a Monday and Tuesday, starting from the 25th of April 2022. He'll be available for 1-to-1 lessons and he'll be running some small group lessons.
The small group lessons will be for Beginner Guitar and Beginner Ukulele.
If you would like to put your name down for our new group lessons, just contact us via the contact form on our Home page or message us on our Facebook page.